Saturday, July 2, 2016

Testimonials: Ten Nebula

I met Stan at the NY Open Center. I was a volunteer and he was a staff person who worked in the event coordination department. 

I found Stan to be beautiful, elegant, and refined. I loved the way he spoke. He was articulate and clear. He was self-expressive and open. I was also impressed that he spoke so many languages. He was strong, kind, and interesting. 

He introduced me to so many great things that have served my life and path like Zen Buddhism, SGI, T. Harv Eker, and angel Kyodo williams. 

What I remember most about Stan was how helpful he was. He was spacious and made others feel included and heard. I also loved that he lived his practice. He did not just talk about spirituality and holistic well-being but he strived for it and applied it to his own life. 

Ten Nebula

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